
TI 公司的ADS1256芯片,是一款24BIT delta-sigma ADC.转换速度为30kSPS.
void bsp_InitADS1256(void)

//SCK_0();		/* SPI总线空闲时,钟线是低电平 */

ADS1256_CfgADC(ADS1256_GAIN_1, ADS1256_30000SPS);	/* 配置ADC参数: 增益1:1, 数据输出速率 1KHz */

ADS1256_CfgADC(ADS1256_GAIN_1, ADS1256_30000SPS)的代码如下:
void ADS1256_CfgADC(ADS1256_GAIN_E _gain, ADS1256_DRATE_E _drate)
g_tADS1256.Gain = _gain;
g_tADS1256.DataRate = _drate;

//ADS1256_StopScan();			/* 暂停CPU中断 */

//ADS1256_ResetHard();		/* 硬件复位 */


	uint8_t buf[4];		/* 暂存ADS1256 寄存器配置参数,之后连续写4个寄存器 */

	/* 状态寄存器定义
		Bits 7-4 ID3, ID2, ID1, ID0  Factory Programmed Identification Bits (Read Only)

		Bit 3 ORDER: Data Output Bit Order
			0 = Most Significant Bit First (default)
			1 = Least Significant Bit First
		Input data  is always shifted in most significant byte and bit first. Output data is always shifted out most significant
		byte first. The ORDER bit only controls the bit order of the output data within the byte.

		Bit 2 ACAL : Auto-Calibration
			0 = Auto-Calibration Disabled (default)
			1 = Auto-Calibration Enabled
		When Auto-Calibration is enabled, self-calibration begins at the completion of the WREG command that changes
		the PGA (bits 0-2 of ADCON register), DR (bits 7-0 in the DRATE register) or BUFEN (bit 1 in the STATUS register)

		Bit 1 BUFEN: Analog Input Buffer Enable
			0 = Buffer Disabled (default)
			1 = Buffer Enabled

		Bit 0 DRDY :  Data Ready (Read Only)
			This bit duplicates the state of the DRDY pin.

		ACAL=1使能自校准功能。当 PGA,BUFEEN, DRATE改变时会启动自校准
	buf[0] = (0 << 3) | (0 << 2) | (0 << 1);//此处(0 << 1)表示关闭BUFFER,改为(1 << 1)表示打开BUFFER
	关闭BUFFER,采集范围:AGND-0.1	~	AVDD+0.1
	打开BUFFER,采集范围:AGND			~	AVDD+2.0

	buf[1] = 0x23;	/* 高四位0表示AINP接 AIN0,  低四位8表示 AINN 固定接 AINCOM */

	/*	ADCON: A/D Control Register (Address 02h)
		Bit 7 Reserved, always 0 (Read Only)
		Bits 6-5 CLK1, CLK0 : D0/CLKOUT Clock Out Rate Setting
			00 = Clock Out OFF
			01 = Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN (default)
			10 = Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN/2
			11 = Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN/4
			When not using CLKOUT, it is recommended that it be turned off. These bits can only be reset using the RESET pin.

		Bits 4-2 SDCS1, SCDS0: Sensor Detect Current Sources
			00 = Sensor Detect OFF (default)
			01 = Sensor Detect Current = 0.5 μ A
			10 = Sensor Detect Current = 2 μ A
			11 = Sensor Detect Current = 10μ A
			The Sensor Detect Current Sources can be activated to verify  the integrity of an external sensor supplying a signal to the
			ADS1255/6. A shorted sensor produces a very small signal while an open-circuit sensor produces a very large signal.

		Bits 2-0 PGA2, PGA1, PGA0: Programmable Gain Amplifier Setting
			000 = 1 (default)
			001 = 2
			010 = 4
			011 = 8
			100 = 16
			101 = 32
			110 = 64
			111 = 64
	buf[2] = (0 << 5) | (0 << 3) | (_gain << 0);
	//ADS1256_WriteReg(REG_ADCON, (0 << 5) | (0 << 2) | (GAIN_1 << 0));	/* 选择1;1增益, 输入正负5V */

	/* 因为切换通道和读数据耗时 123uS, 因此扫描中断模式工作时,最大速率 = DRATE_1000SPS */
	buf[3] = s_tabDataRate[_drate];	// DRATE_10SPS;	/* 选择数据输出速率 */
	//CS_0();	/* SPI片选 = 0 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(CMD_WREG | 0);	/* 写寄存器的命令, 并发送寄存器地址 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(0x03);			/* 寄存器个数 - 1, 此处3表示写4个寄存器 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[0]);	/* 设置状态寄存器 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[1]);	/* 设置输入通道参数 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[2]);	/* 设置ADCON控制寄存器,增益 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[3]);	/* 设置输出数据速率 */

	//CS_1();	/* SPI片选 = 1 */





版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「牛70611」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

TI 公司的ADS1256芯片,是一款24BIT delta-sigma ADC.转换速度为30kSPS.
void bsp_InitADS1256(void)

//SCK_0();		/* SPI总线空闲时,钟线是低电平 */

ADS1256_CfgADC(ADS1256_GAIN_1, ADS1256_30000SPS);	/* 配置ADC参数: 增益1:1, 数据输出速率 1KHz */

ADS1256_CfgADC(ADS1256_GAIN_1, ADS1256_30000SPS)的代码如下:
void ADS1256_CfgADC(ADS1256_GAIN_E _gain, ADS1256_DRATE_E _drate)
g_tADS1256.Gain = _gain;
g_tADS1256.DataRate = _drate;

//ADS1256_StopScan();			/* 暂停CPU中断 */

//ADS1256_ResetHard();		/* 硬件复位 */


	uint8_t buf[4];		/* 暂存ADS1256 寄存器配置参数,之后连续写4个寄存器 */

	/* 状态寄存器定义
		Bits 7-4 ID3, ID2, ID1, ID0  Factory Programmed Identification Bits (Read Only)

		Bit 3 ORDER: Data Output Bit Order
			0 = Most Significant Bit First (default)
			1 = Least Significant Bit First
		Input data  is always shifted in most significant byte and bit first. Output data is always shifted out most significant
		byte first. The ORDER bit only controls the bit order of the output data within the byte.

		Bit 2 ACAL : Auto-Calibration
			0 = Auto-Calibration Disabled (default)
			1 = Auto-Calibration Enabled
		When Auto-Calibration is enabled, self-calibration begins at the completion of the WREG command that changes
		the PGA (bits 0-2 of ADCON register), DR (bits 7-0 in the DRATE register) or BUFEN (bit 1 in the STATUS register)

		Bit 1 BUFEN: Analog Input Buffer Enable
			0 = Buffer Disabled (default)
			1 = Buffer Enabled

		Bit 0 DRDY :  Data Ready (Read Only)
			This bit duplicates the state of the DRDY pin.

		ACAL=1使能自校准功能。当 PGA,BUFEEN, DRATE改变时会启动自校准
	buf[0] = (0 << 3) | (0 << 2) | (0 << 1);//此处(0 << 1)表示关闭BUFFER,改为(1 << 1)表示打开BUFFER
	关闭BUFFER,采集范围:AGND-0.1	~	AVDD+0.1
	打开BUFFER,采集范围:AGND			~	AVDD+2.0

	buf[1] = 0x23;	/* 高四位0表示AINP接 AIN0,  低四位8表示 AINN 固定接 AINCOM */

	/*	ADCON: A/D Control Register (Address 02h)
		Bit 7 Reserved, always 0 (Read Only)
		Bits 6-5 CLK1, CLK0 : D0/CLKOUT Clock Out Rate Setting
			00 = Clock Out OFF
			01 = Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN (default)
			10 = Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN/2
			11 = Clock Out Frequency = fCLKIN/4
			When not using CLKOUT, it is recommended that it be turned off. These bits can only be reset using the RESET pin.

		Bits 4-2 SDCS1, SCDS0: Sensor Detect Current Sources
			00 = Sensor Detect OFF (default)
			01 = Sensor Detect Current = 0.5 μ A
			10 = Sensor Detect Current = 2 μ A
			11 = Sensor Detect Current = 10μ A
			The Sensor Detect Current Sources can be activated to verify  the integrity of an external sensor supplying a signal to the
			ADS1255/6. A shorted sensor produces a very small signal while an open-circuit sensor produces a very large signal.

		Bits 2-0 PGA2, PGA1, PGA0: Programmable Gain Amplifier Setting
			000 = 1 (default)
			001 = 2
			010 = 4
			011 = 8
			100 = 16
			101 = 32
			110 = 64
			111 = 64
	buf[2] = (0 << 5) | (0 << 3) | (_gain << 0);
	//ADS1256_WriteReg(REG_ADCON, (0 << 5) | (0 << 2) | (GAIN_1 << 0));	/* 选择1;1增益, 输入正负5V */

	/* 因为切换通道和读数据耗时 123uS, 因此扫描中断模式工作时,最大速率 = DRATE_1000SPS */
	buf[3] = s_tabDataRate[_drate];	// DRATE_10SPS;	/* 选择数据输出速率 */
	//CS_0();	/* SPI片选 = 0 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(CMD_WREG | 0);	/* 写寄存器的命令, 并发送寄存器地址 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(0x03);			/* 寄存器个数 - 1, 此处3表示写4个寄存器 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[0]);	/* 设置状态寄存器 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[1]);	/* 设置输入通道参数 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[2]);	/* 设置ADCON控制寄存器,增益 */
	ADS1256_Send8Bit(buf[3]);	/* 设置输出数据速率 */

	//CS_1();	/* SPI片选 = 1 */





版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「牛70611」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

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实验要求 理解OLED屏显和汉字点阵编码原理,使用STM32F103的SPI或IIC接口实现以下功能: 显示自己的学号和姓名; 显示AHT20的温度和湿度; 上下或左右的滑动显示长字


年终总结 CSDN的评委好,各位同仁好! 2021年,我担任嵌入式软件开发工程师一职,具体汇报如下: 一、2021年度工作完成情况 在现有的TDOA定位基站和标签的基础上