The chip-select CSX (activelow) is used to enable or disable ILI9341 chip. The RESX(active low) is an external reset signal. WRX is theparallel data write strobe, RDX is the parallel data read strobe and D[17:0] is parallel data bus.
ILI9341 latches the input data at the rising edge of WRX signal. The D/CX is the signal of data/commandselection. When D/CX=’1’, D [17:0] bits are display RAM data or command’s parameters. When D/CX=’0’, D[17:0] bits are commands.
The WRX signal is driven from high to low and then be pulled back to high during the write cycle. The host processor provides information during the write cycle when the display module captures the information from host processor on the rising edge of WRX. When the D/CX signal is driven to low level, then input data on the interface is interpreted as command information. The D/CX signal also can be pulled high level when the data on the interface is RAM data or command’s parameter
Note: WRX is an unsynchronized signal (It can be stopped)
The RDX signal is driven from high to low and then allowed to be pulled back to high during the read cycle. The display module provides information to the host processor during the read cycle while the host processor reads the display module information on the rising edge of RDX signal. When the D/CX signal is driven to low level, then input data on the interface is interpreted as command. The D/CX signal also can be pulled high level when the data on the interface is RAM data or command parameter.
Note: RDX is an unsynchronized signal (It can be stopped).
注意: 注意:读取数据仅在D/CX输入拉高时有效。如果D/CX在读取时被驱动的低,那么显示信息输出将是高阻态。
Note: Read data is only valid when the D/CX input is pulled high. If D/CX is driven low during read then the display information outputs will be High-Z
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